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We strongly advise you not to use earlier versions (pre-3.0) anymore, as these are built on unsupported Magento and unsupported PHP. Please get in touch with us for support with migration.

Worldline plugin version 2.7


  • Magento 2.3
  • Magento 2.4.3

    Test module

    1. Open the Magento frontend
    2. Add a product to the cart
    3. Proceed to the checkout page
    4. On the "Payment Method" section select "Ingenico ePayments"
    5. The available payment methods (PayPal, Visa, etc.) should be shown under the title

    Upgrade instructions

    If you are upgrading from a version prior to 2.0.0, please read the upgrade instructions.

    Hooking into the module

    Each time a status change from Worldline is processed, an event is dispatched where you can hook in to. The name of these events are:

    • ingenico_connect_[payment/refund/hosted_checkout]_[ingenico_status]

    Some examples:

    • ingenico_connect_payment_capture_requested
    • ingenico_connect_refund_refund_requested
    • ingenico_connect_hosted_checkout_cancelled_by_consumer

    A list of all possible statuses from Worldline can be found in the documentation.