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Exciting update: We are enhancing our VTEX plugin to support the Global Collect platform! Stay tuned for more details on this page or reach out to our support team for further information.

We're thrilled to offer our VTEX plugin to help unlock your store's full potential with us. Using our Connect API to add the plugin, your customers can securely pay for products and services through various global and local payment methods. VTEX gives you the necessary tools to drive growth and thrive in the competitive world of e-commerce! 

The plugin's first version has been successfully tested in Latin America (especially Brazil), working with the Worldline Online Payments Acceptance platform.

Activating the plugin is easy: select worldline.globalcollect as your gateway affiliation under VTEX Payment Settings and follow the instructions. For more detailed guidelines, check out the Installation section. 

Key features 

Beyond the plugin features outlined on the VTEX website, you have other possibilities awaiting to enhance your customer interactions:

  • Payment in installments: allows to have the costs split into smaller payments, charged from the customer's credit card month-by-month until the purchase is paid in full (ranging from 2 to 12 months)
  • Cards & local payment products: accept payments with popular services such as cards, Boleto Bancário, Pix and more
  • Direct or delayed capture: gives you the option to automatically or manually capture the transactions
  • Inline and hosted checkout flows: you’re flexible in choosing the approach that fits your business needs and security requirements, whether it happens on the same website or goes to redirect
  • Tokenization for data protection: this feature encrypts and stores payment information, reducing the risk of data breaches and ensuring customer payment details are safe

Note that the plugin constantly evolves, and new features are planned for future iterations.

Supported services

  • Tokenization (within VTEX)
  • Installments
  • Webhooks (limitations apply due to VTEX capabilities)
  • Capture
  • Delayed capture
  • Refunds
  • Partial refunds
  • Cancel
  • 3DS via Worldline
  • Fraud tool via Worldline