Integrate easy to Worldline Connect to start processing payments and use the applications and tools you need to make your life easier.
Configuration Center
The Configuration Center allows you to manage and configure your Connect account. You will use it for:
- User management: who has which access rights to the Configuration Center
- API keys: the public and secret key you need to authenticate your API requests
- Webhook keys: the public and secret key to sign the messages between you and us
- Overview of merchant IDs: the merchant IDs which are associated with your account in Connect
- Hosted payment page styling: Extensive application to easily adjust the look and feel of the hosted payment pages you use
- Languages on the hosted payment pages: Easily change the texts on the hosted payment pages
- Subdomain of the hosted payment pages: Define a part of the domain your consumers see if they use the hosted payment pages
- Payment product configuration: Configure certain payment products
- Ordering of payment products: Adjust the order of payment products per country
- Dynamic 3-D Secure: Define rules to apply 3-D Secure to transactions
- API Explorer: Quickly validate your API request to any of our endpoints:
- Grant API access to Worldline: Support with your integration through the API Explorer
- Webhooks: Configure your webhook endpoints and events.
Worldline Connect offers multiple Software Development Kits / API libraries for different programming languages and mobile platforms, allowing you to integrate easy and fast.
The mobile SDKs contain an example app, which you can use to add transactions easily to your apps.
Full API references
The Worldline Connect API has extensive possibilities, allowing you to use the Server API to access to the Worldline Connect gateway and send in transactions. You can easily find in the API Reference which properties are mandatory to send in and which ones are optional or only mandatory in certain cases.
The Client API enables mobile phones, browsers and apps to access the hosted data on the Worldline Connect gateway.
The File Service API allows you to upload and retrieve files to support disputes done through the Create Dispute API.
API versioning
If there are multiple versions of the API, it will be described here. Please see our API reference and release notes for changes.
API Explorer
Try out your API requests and see the API response, to validate your requests. We have sample requests available, making it easier for you to start. You can send API requests to all our endpoints.
Hosted payment pages
Our MyCheckout hosted payment pages allow you to easily offer payments to your consumers, while you have the most extensive styling capabilities in the market, for which you don't need a developer. You can also adjust the texts in any language you want yourself, try out the hosted payment page yourself and define a part of the domain your consumers see while paying online.
Webhooks notify you about events related to the payments you process through the Worldline Connect integration, like a change in status of a payment. You can easily define which notifications you want to receive and on which endpoint.
Ordering of payment products
Adjust per country which payment products you want to present first to your consumers.
Test cases
As part of your integration, you want to validate whether the payment products you use through us do work correctly. For all payment products which allow you to test, you can find the test cases you need on one page.
You can easily integrate your Ecommerce platform with our payment extensions.