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Two-factor authentication

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What is two-factor authentication?

Two-factor authentication is the process of identifying yourself when logging in to an app/program, requiring two verification steps: 
  1. providing a valid username and password (using only this step is called single-factor authentication)
  2. giving more information to prove it's you (usually, mobile apps are used to authenticate, for example, the Google Authenticator app)

In which applications is two-factor authentication enabled?

Before you begin

You will first need to set up two-factor authentication. You can make use of most authenticators. The most common authenticator apps can be downloaded on your mobile device, such as: 

Configuration center

Setting up two-factor authentication 

  1. Go to the login page of the Configuration Center (sandbox, pre-production, and production).
  2. Enter your username and password, then press the login button. 


    1. You'll see the page to set up the two-factor authentication. 
    2. Scan the barcode shown on the page using the authenticator app.


  1. In your authenticator app, you'll see the "Worldline Connect" and the one-time password (OTP): a six-digit code that constantly refreshes. Enter this one-time password and press submit.
  1. The setup process is now complete. In the future, you'll need to provide the one-time password next to their username and password to log in.

Using the key instead of the QR code to set up two-factor authentication

If you can't scan the QR code with your mobile device's camera, setting up two-factor authentication using the authenticator app is still possible.
  1. Go to the login page of the Configuration Center (sandbox, pre-production, and production).
  2. Enter your username and password, then press the login button. 
  3. You'll see the page to set up the two-factor authentication. 
  4. Click on the "unable to scan code?" link.
  5. You'll be shown a key that you must add to the authenticator app. The easiest way is to copy and paste the key into the app. 


  1. Provide the name for your one-time password, for which we suggest using "Worldline Connect."
  2. In your authenticator app, you'll see the "Worldline Connect" and the one-time password (OTP): a six-digit code that constantly refreshes. Enter this one-time password and press submit.
  3. The setup process is now complete. In the future, you'll need to provide the one-time password next to your username and password to log in.

Additional information

  • For each environment, you'll need to set up two-factor authentication separately
  • The one-time password is specific to the device and can't be used with another one (if you change the phone, you must also reset two-factor authentication)

Logging in to the configuration center using two-factor authentication 

After having two-factor authentication set up for the account, provide the username, password, and one-time password from the authenticator app every time you log in to the configuration center. 

  1. Go to the login page of the Configuration Center (sandbox, pre-production, and production).
  2. Enter your username and password, then press the login button. 
  3. Provide the one-time password shown in your authenticator app and log in. 

Resetting two-factor authentication

There might be situations in which you want to reset two-factor authentication (for example, changing the phone or losing it). In most cases, this can be done by the user or account admin in the configuration center. If the account admin can't access their account anymore, we can help reset two-factor authentication. Please reach out to our Customer Experience

Resetting two-factor authentication in the configuration center yourself

  1. Log in to the Configuration Center (sandbox, pre-production, and production) using the one-time password of your current mobile device. 
  2. Click on the user settings icon at the top right of the Configuration Center. 
  3. Click "Reset two-factor authentication," and a pop-up will appear to reset your two-factor authentication. 
  4. Scan the QR code shown on the page using the authenticator app of your new mobile device.
  5. In your authenticator app, you'll see the "Worldline Configuration Center + the environment name" and the one-time password (OTP): a six-digit code that constantly refreshes. Enter this one-time password and press submit.
The setup process is now complete. All the account admins and users will get an email notification about the reset of two-factor authentication. 

Resetting two-factor authentication in the configuration center by the account admin

Sometimes a mobile device gets lost or stolen. In those cases, you want to ensure the device can no longer be used to log in to the Configuration Center with two-factor authentication. Admin users can clear the details of a user by going through the following steps: 

  1. Log in to the Configuration Center (sandbox, pre-production, and production).
  2. Go to account settings > user management. 
  3. Click on "actions" next to the user's name for whom the two-factor authentication must be reset.
  4. Click "Clear two-factor authentication." 
The user's two-factor authentication is now cleared. All the account admins and the user will get an email notification. The user can set up two-factor authentication again by following the steps explained in "Setting up two-factor authentication."

Resetting two-factor authentication by our team

If you don't have access to the Configuration Center, please reach out to the customer experience center to clear the two-factor authentication for a user: