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API Explorer

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What is the API Explorer?

The API Explorer is an easy to use tool, which allows you to send in your API request to the endpoint you choose. You can try out your integration by validating your request and seeing our response. You can send in requests for both the server-to-server API as well as the client-to-server API.

Access to the API Explorer

  1. Log in to the Configuration Center.
  2. Navigate to the API Explorer in the left-side menu.
  3. Click "Launch API Explorer" to open it in a separate tab.

The Configuration Center is available per environment (sandbox, pre-production and production). Inside the Configuration Center, you can already select the merchant ID for which you want to use the API Explorer. Please note that each merchant ID has it's own configuration in terms of products and services.

How to use the API Explorer

In the API Explorer you can send in requests for the merchant IDs which are linked to your account in the Configuration Center. You only have to go through five easy steps to try out your requests:

  • Merchant ID selection
  • Endpoint selection
  • Example API request selection
  • Validate the request
  • Validate the response

Merchant ID selection

In the right top, next to "Merchant:", you can select the merchant ID for which you want to send in the request. You might have multiple merchant IDs linked to your account, so here you can select with which merchant ID you want to try out your requests. 

Each merchant ID has it's own configured products and services, so your requests will be executed taking this configuration into account. 

Endpoint selection

On the left side, you see "Endpoint selection" in which you find both the server-to-server endpoints as well as the client-to-server endpoints. So you can select the endpoint you want to try out here, by picking it from the list or by typing the first letters of the endpoint, so it will automatically filter the relevant endpoints for you.

Example selection

Once you selected the endpoint, the example request will in most cases appear automatically. For certain endpoints multiples example requests can be selected from the second row, which is called "Select a scenario". Certain endpoints require details to be provided, which you also can easily fill out in the API Explorer.

You can also simply past your request in the body section, to validate if it works as desired.

Validate the request

Before you press the "send" button and see the magic happen, you can validate your request, to ensure the correct details are present. In case you made to many changes, you can simply click on the rest button to restore the original body of the example (or scenario) you selected.

Validate the response

Once the request has been sent, you see the response on the right hand side in the "Response body". By default the response is shown with limited formatting as it is easier to see the whole content of the response that way. You can also toggle the view to get the ability to toggle specific properties, which is easier if you are dealing with large responses and you are interested in a specific property.

The "Response headers" tab shows you the headers that were included in the response, in case you need that information.

The "request" tab shows you the full request, including the body and the headers. This can be extremely useful in case you are experiencing challenges with the authentication and you want to check the value of the authorization header. 

Grant API access to us

In the Configuration Center, you find below the menu item "API Explorer" the option "Grant API access to Worldline". This menu option allows you to give us access to your account and try out API requests on your behalf.

It is extremely useful in case you want us to validate why your integration is not working as you expect, so we can look into it together with you. Usually you are in touch with one of our colleagues already, so you can align with them on the timeframe you have given us access to use your account and merchant ID to try to find out why a certain request does not work as desired.

You can give us access to your merchant ID ranging from 2- 48 hours, after which this will expire automatically. Once you have selected the timeframe, you will need to confirm this with your password. Ideally you inform your contact person on our side as well that you have granted us access, so we can work along with you validating your request and integration.