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Installation & configuration

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Exciting update: We are enhancing our VTEX plugin to support the Global Collect platform! Stay tuned for more details on this page or reach out to our support team for further information.

Using our VTEX plugin doesn't require downloading additional software or complicated installation. Before moving on to plugin configuration, make sure you have the following:

  • VTEX account (manage the entire digital commerce experience in one place via Admin tool)
  • Worldline account and access to the Configuration Center (please get in touch with us to set it up)

Plugin configuration

  1. Access the VTEX Admin panel
  2. Go to Store Settings > Payment > Providers
  3. In Providers, click on the blue New Provider button


  1. Search for the worldline.globalcollect provider, and click on it


  1. By completing the previous step, our app will be automatically installed
  2. You'll get the following screen, that needs to be adjusted: 


    1. Finalize the configuration. Please note that VTEX doesn't allow to have optional/mandatory fields, so please complete the setup of all fields (even if logically not applicable to your processing).

Access your Configuration Center of the applicable environment (sandbox, pre-production, production) to gather some of the required information. Check the guides on how to use the Configuration Center, and how to set up your webhooks.

VTEX name Our platform
Provider Authorization
App key API key ID of the correct environment (sandbox, pre-production or production). You can find this information your Configuration Center.
App token Secret API key of the correct environment (sandbox, pre-production or production). You can find this information your Configuration Center.
Basic Information
Name Desired name to present for this provider.
Payment Control
Enable test mode Tick off, if you are testing payment options - when unticked, the options linked to this provider will be visible to customers in the store.
Provider Fields
Environment The environment you'd like to use (note that this defines our Worldline endpoints)
Merchant ID Your Worldline merchant ID. You can find this information your Configuration Center.
Webhook key ID Key ID under Webhooks keys of the correct environment (sandbox, pre-production or production). You can find this information your Configuration Center.
Webhook secret key Secret key under Webhooks keys of the correct environment (sandbox, pre-production or production). You can find this information your Configuration Center.
Capture type Depending on how you'd like to capture the transaction, you can choose direct or delayed capture type
Payment subdomain Applicable if you use MyCheckout hosted payment pages. Add your desired payment sub-domain, for example "payment". As VTEX doesn't allow us to make this field optional, please set include this in the configuration.
3DS mode Enabled/Disabled. Please note that Worldline's 3DS provider has to be configured on our side to make it work, you can align with your integration manager on this requirement.
posID You can direct the transactions to specific acquirers configured in your Worldline account. You can request the posID from your integration manager. Only one posID should be configured per affiliation, while you can add multiple affiliations with different posIDs.
Soft descriptor Your desired descriptor passed on with the transaction.