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We offer two RESTful APIs: A server API which is used by the merchants in a server-to-server setup and a client API which is used by clients like desktops, laptops, mobile phones and other internet connected devices. For both APIs we offer a detailed API reference that lists all the functionalities and how to use them.



Server API

The server API enables merchants to access the Worldline platform functionality such as payments, initiating hosted checkouts, creating profiles, and much more. All these calls require the caller to have a secret API key that merchants can look up in their Configuration Center account.

Full server API reference >>


Client API

The client API enables mobile phones, browsers, and apps to access the hosted data on the Worldline platform such as detailed information about the available payment products, profile management, and public keys used for encrypting sensitive data. These calls require a session id that the merchant can create using the server API.

Full client API reference >>