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The path to a successful integration with the Worldline platforms is clear and easy. This page describes the process that you will go through to start processing with us!

Explore and play in the sandbox account

Every go-live process should start with prototyping and experimentation with your sandbox account. The sandbox behaves just as our production systems, offering several payment product integrations which you can play around with, without having to worry about the risk of transferring real money.

Sign up for sandbox account

After subscribing, you will receive an e-mail with a one-time password reset link. With this link you can set your own password for the sandbox account in pre-production. The Configuration Center is your one-stop entry point to your settings:

  • Configure your account
  • Set up your subdomain
  • Add your users
  • Experiment with powerful A/B testing

When you access the Configuration Center, you will be presented with your API key. This is a long alphanumeric value that is unique to your account; keep it secret, and use it to send in requests on the pre-production API endpoints or set in your preferred Server SDK. To set your API key in the SDK, locate the configuration parameter in the SDK configuration object and just put the value there.

Getting access to Production

The process for gaining access to Production is similar to the process regarding gaining access to the sandbox account. When Worldline has approved your application as our client and the paperwork is done, you will be issued a unique password set link by e-mail for the Production Configuration Center. There, you can choose your password, login and get access to your unique API key. With this API key you can start using our SDKs and Server REST APIs.

How to use the API key on the Server API

The API key is not sent in the clear as in some widely used REST API keys. This is to enhance security, a relevant thing in the world of financial transactions. The API key is used in an HMAC-SHA256 hash that serves as a signature of every method call. The exact details of this implementation can be found in the section regarding authentication in the API reference.

Account Setup Sign-off

Before enabling the production account, the Implementation Manager compiles the Account Setup Sign-off document and sends it to you. This document outlines general facts about the Production Account: payment products, processing currencies, additional services and any account specific items. After both the Business Development Manager’s and your own approval, the Implementation Manager will enable the account on the Worldline platform. The production account undergoes a second and final check by another Implementation Manager to ensure that the configuration reflects the scope of the project and that the products and services are setup as intended.


For a period of three to four weeks after the go-live date, the Implementation Manager will carefully monitor the success rate of transactions to ensure the integration has been established within our benchmarks.

During this monitoring period it is also possible to make minor changes to the configuration. The Implementation Manager will guide and recommend any changes in close cooperation with you and the Business Development Manager.

Also available is access to Elevate for 3 months after going live (depending on the platform), free of charge! This is to monitor the overall payment performance.


Four weeks after the commercial live date, the account is officially handed over to the respective Merchant Services Manager, who will take care of the operational relationship management and who from then on becomes the single point of contact for all operational queries.

Before the handover takes place, the Implementation Manager thoroughly checks the live account and its success rates; if reports are generated and uploaded to the Secure File Transfer (SFT) and if the Financial Statement is uploaded to the Payment Console.

During the handover meeting, the Implementation Manager briefs the Merchant Services team on:

  • Payment products and currencies you are processing
  • Additional services: e.g. fraud check, 3D Secure, delayed settlement, etc.
  • Primary/secondary acquirers setup
  • Any other account specific items: e.g. delayed remittance, recurring payments, etc.
  • Any pending or unresolved items during monitoring
  • If known, future plans of the merchant: e.g. new payment products or currencies, etc.
  • Merchant contact details (commercial and technical)

After the handover has taken place, the Implementation Manager sends you an email including Merchant Services in copy (CC), specifying the account and products/services that have been handed over, and advising you that from now on Merchant Services will be the single point of contact for any operational queries in the Production environment.