Merchant initiated transaction
Merchant Initiated Transactions are payments initiated by you without the interaction of the payer. Such payments can happen in the following cases:
- Recurring Payments for fixed or variable amounts.
- The final amount is higher than the amount used at authentication time. This can happen when additional charges are added to the initial agreed amount.
In our API merchant initiated transactions are flagged as either a recurring transaction (isRecurring = true and recurringPaymentSequenceIndicator = recurring) or as a subsequent unscheduled card on file transaction (unscheduledCardOnFileRequestor = merchantInitiated and unscheduledCardOnFileSequenceIndicator = subsequent).
Importantly, it's required to perform a Consumer Initiated Transaction (CIT) with SCA in order to setup a MIT. Three possible cases of CIT transaction types exist using our API, which are:
- First of a recurring, flagged by setting the isRecurring property to true and setting the recurringPaymentSequenceIndicator property to first. Please note that you'll also have to provide the endDate and the minFrequency properties in this case
- First of an Unscheduled Card On File (UCOF) transaction, flagged by setting the unscheduledCardOnFileRequestor property to cardholderInitiated and the unscheduledCardOnFileSequenceIndicator property to first
- Subsequent Unscheduled Card On File (UCOF) transaction that is initiated by the consumer, flagged by setting the unscheduledCardOnFileRequestor property to customerInitiated and the unscheduledCardOnFileSequenceIndicator property to subsequent