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Refunds and cancellations

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To start a refund process, you should use the API call POST /{paymentId}/refund. This action is only applicable if the payment status is PAID. If you wish to refund the full order amount, you can do so by sending a request using the same API call, but with an empty body.

A basic refund payload only requires the amountOfMoney object specifying the amount and currencyCode:


    "amountOfMoney": {
        "amount": 50,
        "currencyCode": "EUR"
  • You have the option to refund a part of the funds as well. For this, it's necessary to include a payload with the amountOfMoney object, where you specify the amount and the currencyCode.
  • To view the details of your refund, you can use the API call GET /refunds/{refundId}.

Cancel a payment

To cancel a payment, you need to send cancellation with POST /{paymentId}/cancel API call. The request doesn't have a body. The cancellation can only be performed when the status is PENDING_APPROVAL and statusOutput.isCancellable is true.