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  1. In the Magento root directory, execute php bin/magento module:enable Worldline_Connect
  2. Execute php bin/magento setup:upgrade
  3. Admin > Stores > Configuration > Sales > Payment Methods > Other Payment Methods > Worldline


  1. In the Configuration menu, click Save Configuration in the top right corner 
  2. In the Magento root directory, execute php bin/magento cache:clean

In case of any appeared questions or issues, don't hesitate to get in touch with us!

General settings

In the general settings section, you'll need to fill out the field with required information to set up the plugin properly. Please, find the required information down below.

Magento-plugin-general-settings Magento-plugin-general-settings Magento-plugin-general-settings
Field Setting details Mandatory/Optional/Recommended Comments
Magento webhook endpoint Configure this webhooks URL in the Worldline Configuration Center Mandatory Enable all checkboxes for "payment" and "refund" in the Configuration Center
Email for manual review Recommended for transactions that require review/approval
Limit API field length Yes Recommended to switch this setting on
Log client side API communication Yes Recommended to switch this setting on If you enable logging, you should clear or rotate the log files regularly
Log all server side webhooks and API communication Yes Recommended to switch this setting on If you enable logging, you should clear or rotate the log files regularly
Soft descriptor Your preferred descriptor per store Optional Please note that this service needs to be enabled on Worldline side as well
Redirect text Your preferred text shown to consumer before the redirect. Optional
Active environment The environment you’re using for testing/processing Mandatory

Sandbox/pre-production/production settings

You can obtain this information from the Configuration Center of the applicable environment (sandbox, pre-production, or production). After adding the fields and saving, you can test the connection and verify the correct setup.

Field Setting details Mandatory/Optional/Recommended
Merchant ID (MID) Your Worldline merchant ID from the Configuration Center "Merchant IDs" Mandatory
API URL From the default Worldline endpoint, you can revert back to our previous endpoints in case of outage, if they're still active. Mandatory
API key ID Your Worldline API key ID from the Configuration Center "API keys" Mandatory
API secret key Your Worldline Secret API Key from the Configuration Center "API keys" Mandatory
Webhooks key ID Your Worldline Webhooks Key ID from the Configuration Center "Webhooks keys" Mandatory to ensure synchronization between Magento and Worldline
Webhooks secret key Your Worldline Webhooks secret key from the Configuration Center "Webhooks keys" Mandatory to ensure synchronization between Magento and Worldline

3D Secure

For transactions that aren't out of scope for Strong Customer Authentication (SCA), it is possible to request an exemption. Please consult with our fraud managers prior to setting up 3D Secure exemptions. Complementary information and configuration may be required in our system.

exemptionRequest value Exemption details
None No exemption is being requested. This is the default value.
Automatic Automatically apply for low value or TRA. Important to note, the decision from your fraud tool's risk level, mapped to property "transactionRiskLevel" needs to come from you. Possible values for this property for are: low, medium and high.
Transaction Risk Analysis (TRA) Based on your eligibility for TRA, select this option to request exemption. You can find the applicable rules under the exemptions page.
Low Value Transaction under a certain value can be exempts from 3D Secure. You can find the applicable rules under the exemptions page.

What are the new URLs to send your API requests to?

  • Production:
  • Pre-production:

All other API URLs for sandbox remain as is for now. You can find the overview of API URLs on our API Reference

Payment product settings

Take care of the payment product details for your plugin configuration, depending on your business needs.


Field Setting details Mandatory/Optional/Recommended Comments
Enabled Yes Mandatory
Sort order Priority of the product Optional If not changed, the default setup will apply
Minimum order total Optional If not changed, the default setup will apply
Payment action Optional If not changed, the default setup will apply
Payment action
  • Direct capture: payments are automatically captured and reported as paid as soon as the capture is complete on the gateway (invoice is created automatically)
  • Delayed settlement: the payment is first authorized, then the capture has to be triggered (either manually, or automatically by another process on your side)
Mandatory Only applicable for cards (see more information below)
Payment flow type
  • Hosted: redirect customers to Worldline’s payment pages
  • Inline: use your payment pages
Mandatory See more information below

Payment action

When a new payment is made, you have the power to decide what happens next. And there are two options for you to choose from:

Direct capture Payments will be automatically captured and reported as paid as soon as the capture process is complete on the gateway. Plus, to make things even easier, an invoice will be also automatically created.
Delayed settlement The payment is first authorized, then has to be captured either manually via Magento admin or Worldline payment console; or by an automated process on your side, such as cronjob or automated capture trigger after another action is completed.

Payment flow type

Configure how payment information is going to be captured by the customer and choose one of the options:

  • Inline payments

The payment data (e.g. credit card information) is requested directly in your checkout and encrypted via the Connect PHP SDK. The encrypted data is then sent to your shop and forwarded to the Connect platform through the Connect Server SDK.

However, not all payment methods support this payment data capture: for those who don't, the MyCheckout hosted payment pages are being used.

  • MyCheckout hosted payment pages

The customer will be redirected to MyCheckout hosted payment pages after the payment product selection at checkout, to complete the payment.


MyCheckout Hosted Payment Pages (as a product)

Select this option if you'd like to have a full redirect to MyCheckout hosted payment pages at checkout. In this case, the selection of payment products happens at the hosted payment pages rather than at a standard checkout.

3DS method URL will be using the variant configured here.


Include/exclude payment products

This feature allows you to customize the payment options displayed on your MyCheckout hosted payment pages. To use this feature, simply add the name or ID of your preferred payment product as indicated on the configuration page. This is particularly useful if your desired payment product is not yet fully integrated into the plugin but is available on Worldline Connect. Once the product is enabled on your account, you can quickly include it by entering both the product's ID and name.


Grouped cards

To enable the grouped cards feature, go to the Worldline plugin configuration center > Payment methods > Card > Grouped cards


The same payment product settings described above apply to the grouped cards option. The consumer will have the following view on the checkout page when grouped cards are enabled:


Vault (tokenization in Magento plugin)

To enable the Vault, go to the Worldline plugin configuration center > Payment methods > Card > Vault

Please note that the "Payment Action" (capture mode) of Vault will follow the setup of the underlying card used by the end customer, but we suggest having the same setup for the Cards and Vault sections for it to operate flawlessly. 

Magento Vault.PNG

Information and support

In this section, you will find information about the current version of the plugin you are using, along with a selection of useful links for further assistance and resources.
