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3D Secure - MyCheckout implementation

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MyCheckout Hosted Payment Pages

When you use the MyCheckout hosted payment pages, we'll capture some of the required data points regarding the device and browser used by the consumer on your behalf. This helps to reduce the implementation burden on your side. To keep our API logical and easy to understand, we decided to change some of the existing object definitions.

Our system will accept both the old definition and new definition, but you're still advised not to mix old and new definitions in one API call. This is due to our system rejecting it if you try to submit multiple definitions of the same field.

It's important to note that even though we've added new properties and restructured the API, your current implementation will keep working. The use of all of the additional new properties for the MyCheckout hosted payment pages are optional. However, you're still advised to supply as many properties as possible to ensure the highest number of transactions follow the frictionless flow.

As the cardHolderName is a required property in most regions, we'll also automatically capture that property in case 3D Secure has been enabled on your account.

Create Hosted Checkout API

The API that is used to initialize a hostedCheckout session has been updated. See below an overview of all the new properties added, along with changes to the object definitions. There are fewer new properties in this API, versus the Create Payment API, since we capture all the device and browser related data ourselves.

Next to this, we also determine the size of the challenge area, based on the size of the window/iframe that the MyCheckout hosted payment pages are displayed in. Should you use an iframe to show the MyCheckout hosted payment pages, note that the size of the iframe has a minimum width of 250 pixels and a minimum height of 400 pixels.

Minimal Frame size for Challenge

Property name Type Description
fraudFields Object Object containing additional data that will be used to assess the risk of fraud
addressesAreIdentical Boolean
  • true - the billing and shipping addresses are identical
  • false - the billing and shipping addresses are different

Deprecated - please use order.shipping.addressIndicator to indicate that the billing and shipping address are identical.

order Object Order object containing order related data
additionalInput Object Object containing additional input on the order
typeInformation Object Object containing specific classifications of the transaction
transactionType Enum (string)

Required for merchants from Brazil if order.amountOfMoney.amount is not 0

Identifies the type of transaction being authenticated.

  • purchase = The purpose of the transaction is to purchase goods or services
  • check-acceptance = The purpose of the transaction is to accept a 'check'/'cheque'
  • account-funding = The purpose of the transaction is to fund an account
  • quasi-cash = The purpose of the transaction is to buy a quasi cash type product that is representative of actual cash such as money orders, traveler's checks, foreign currency, lottery tickets or casino gaming chips.
  • prepaid-activation-or-load = The purpose of the transaction is to activate or load a prepaid card
customer Object Object containing data related to the consumer
account Object Object containing data related to the account the consumer has with you
createDate AN8

The date (YYYYMMDD) on which the consumer created their account with you

We will calculate the CustomerAccountAgeIndicator using this property and the order.customer.accountType.

changeDate AN8

The last date (YYYYMMDD) on which the consumer made changes to their account with you. These are changes to billing & shipping address details, new payment account (tokens), or new users(s) added.

We will use the data from this property and the order.customer.account.changedDuringCheckout to determine the 'age' of the changes. For 3-D Secure version 2 this property and the 'age' of the changes are used.

changedDuringCheckout Boolean
  • true = the consumer made changes to their account during this checkout
  • false = the consumer didn't change anything to their account during this checkout

The changes meant here are changes to billing & shipping address details, new payment account (tokens), or new users(s) added.

We will use the data from this property and the order.customer.account.changeDate to determine the 'age' of the changes. For 3-D Secure version 2 only the resulting 'age' of the changes is used.

passwordChangeDate AN8

The last date (YYYYMMDD) on which the consumer changed their password for the account used in this transaction

We will use the data from this property and the order.customer.account.passwordChangedDuringCheckout to determine the 'age' of the changes. For 3-D Secure version 2 this property and the 'age' of the password change are used.

passwordChangedDuringCheckout Boolean Property that indicates if the password of an account is changed during this checkout
  • true = the consumer made changes to their password of the account used during this checkout
  • false = the consumer didn't change anything to their password of the account used during this checkout

We will use the data from this property and the order.customer.account.passwordChangeDate to determine the 'age' of the password change. For 3-D Secure version 2 only the resulting 'age' of the password change is used.

hasForgottenPassword Boolean

Specifies if the consumer (initially) had forgotten their password

  • true - The consumer has forgotten their password
  • false - The consumer has not forgotten their password

Moved (and renamed) existing property order.fraudFields.hasForgottenPwd to the order.customer.account object

This property is not used for 3-D Secure version 2.

hadSuspiciousActivity Boolean

Specifies if you have experienced suspicious activity on the account of the consumer

  • true = you have experienced suspicious activity (including previous fraud) on the consumer account used for this transaction
  • false = you have experienced no suspicious activity (including previous fraud) on the consumer account used for this transaction
authentication Object Object containing data on the authentication used by the consumer to access their account
utcTimestamp AN12 Timestamp (YYYYMMDDHHmm) of the authentication of the consumer to their account with you
method Enum (String)

Authentication used by the consumer on your website

  • guest = no login occurred, consumer is 'logged in' as guest
  • merchant-credentials = the consumer logged in using credentials that are specific to you
  • federated-id = the consumer logged in using a federated ID
  • issuer-credentials = the consumer logged in using credentials from the card issuer (of the card used in this transaction)
  • third-party-authentication = the consumer logged in using third-party authentication
  • fido-authentication = the consumer logged in using a FIDO authenticator
paymentActivity Object Object containing data on the purchase history of the consumer with you
numberOfPurchasesLast6Months N4 Number of successful purchases made by this consumer with you in the last 6 months
numberOfPaymentAttemptsLast24Hours N3 Number of payment attempts (so including unsuccessful ones) made by this consumer with you in the last 24 hours
numberOfPaymentAttemptsLastYear N3 Number of payment attempts (so including unsuccessful ones) made by this consumer with you in the last 12 months
paymentAccountOnFileType Enum (String)

Required for merchants in Brazil

Indicates the type of account. For example, for a multi-account card product.

  • not-applicable = the card used doesn't support multiple card products
  • credit = the card used is a credit card
  • debit = the card used is a debit card
paymentAccountOnFile Object Object containing information on the payment account data on file (tokens)
numberOfCardOnFileCreationAttemptsLast24Hours N3 Number of attempts made to add new card to the consumer account in the last 24 hours
createDate AN8

The date (YYYYMMDD) when the payment account on file was first created.

In case a token is used for the transaction we will use the creation date of the token in our system in case you leave this property empty.

accountType Enum (String) Type of the customer account that is used to place this order. Can have one of the following values:
  • none = None (guest)
  • created = Account was created during this transaction
  • existing = Existing account was used for this transaction

We will try to automatically determine the value for this field:

  • in case cardPaymentMethodSpecificInput.tokenize is set to true or the consumer checks the Remember my details box, we will set the value of this property to created (even though there might be an existing token matching the card details)
  • in case a token is used for this transaction the value will be set to existing
  • in case cardPaymentMethodSpecificInput.tokenize is set to false and no token is used for this transaction we will default to none
billingAddress Object Object containing the billing address details
additionalInfo AN50 Additional address information
city AN40 City
countryCode AN2 ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code
houseNumber AN15 House number
stateCode AN3 ISO 3166-2 alpha-3 state code
Please note that the max length used for 3-D Secure version 2 is AN3.
street AN50 Streetname
zip AN10 Zip code
companyInformation Object Object containing information of the company in case the consumer is a company
vatNumber AN17

Local VAT number of the 'consumer'

Moved from order.customer

This property is not used for 3-D Secure version 2.

contactDetails Object Object containing contact details of the consumer
emailAddress AN70 Email address of the consumer
mobilePhoneNumber AN20

International version of the mobile phone number of the consumer including the leading + (i.e. +16127779311)

Official max length is N15 making it AN16 to include the leading + sign

phoneNumber AN20

International version of the home phone number of the consumer including the leading + (i.e. +16127779311)

Official max length is N15 making it AN16 to include the leading + sign

workPhoneNumber AN20

International version of the work phone number of the consumer including the leading + (i.e. +31235671500)

Official max length is N15 making it AN16 to include the leading + sign

shipping Object Object containing information regarding shipping / delivery
type Enum (String) Indicates the merchandise delivery timeframe
  • electronic = electronic delivery (services or digital goods)
  • same-day = same day delivery
  • overnight = overnight delivery
  • 2-day-or-more = two day or more deliveries
firstUsageDate AN8

Date (YYYYMMDD) when the shipping details for this transaction where first used

We will use the data from this property and the order.shipping.isFirstUsage to determine the 'age' of the shipping details. For 3-D Secure version 2 this property and the 'age' of the shipping details change are used.

isFirstUsage Boolean Indicator if this shipping address is used for the first time to ship an order
  • true = the shipping details are used for the first time with this transaction
  • false = the shipping details have been used for other transactions in the past

We will use the data from this property and the order.shipping.firstUsageDate to determine the 'age' of the shipping details. For 3-D Secure version 2 only the resulting 'age' of the shipping details is used.

addressIndicator Enum (String) Indicates shipping method chosen for the transaction.
  • same-as-billing = the shipping address and the billing address are identical
  • another-verified-address-on-file-with-merchant = another verified address of the consumer that is on file with you
  • different-than-billing = shipping address is different from the billing address
  • ship-to-store = goods are shipped to a store (shipping address = store address)
  • digital-goods = electronic delivery of digital goods
  • travel-and-event-tickets-not-shipped = travel and/or event tickets that are not shipped
  • other = other means of delivery
emailAddress AN70 Email address linked to the shipping
address Object Object containing address information
additionalInfo AN50

Additional address information

Moved from order.customer.shippingaddress

city AN40


Moved from order.customer.shippingaddress

countryCode AN2

ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code

Moved from order.customer.shippingaddress

houseNumber AN15

House number

Moved from order.customer.shippingaddress

name Object

Object containing the name elements

Moved from

firstName AN15

Given name(s) or first name(s) of the consumer

Moved from

This property is not used for 3-D Secure version 2.

surname AN70

Surname(s) or last name(s) of the consumer

Moved from

This property is not used for 3-D Secure version 2.

surnamePrefix AN15

Middle name - In between first name and surname - of the consumer

Moved from

This property is not used for 3-D Secure version 2.

title AN35

Title of consumer

Moved from

This property is not used for 3-D Secure version 2.

state AN35

State to which the shipment is being send

Moved from order.customer.shippingaddress.state

This property is not used for 3-D Secure version 2.

stateCode AN3

ISO 3166-2 alpha-3 state code
Please note that the max length used for 3-D Secure version 2 is AN3.

Moved from order.customer.shippingaddress.stateCode

street AN50

Street name

Moved from order.customer.shippingaddress.street

zip AN17

Zip code

Moved from

trackingNumber AN19

Shipment tracking number

Moved from fraudFields and renamed (old name = shipmentTrackingNumber)

This property is not used for 3-D Secure version 2.

comments AN160

Comments included during shipping

Moved from fraudFields and renamed (old name = shipComments)

This property is not used for 3-D Secure version 2.

shoppingCart Object Object containing information on the item(s) in the shopping cart
isPreOrder Boolean

The consumer is pre-ordering one or more items

preOrderItemAvailabilityDate AN8 Date (YYYYMMDD) when the preordered item becomes available
giftCardPurchase Object Object containing information on purchased gift card(s)
amountOfMoney Object Object containing information on an amount of money
amount N12 Amount in cents and always having 2 decimals
currencyCode AN3 Three-letter ISO currency code representing the currency for the amount
numberOfGiftCards N2 Number of gift cards that are purchased through this transaction
reOrderIndicator Boolean Indicates whether the cardholder is reordering previously purchased item(s)
  • true = the consumer is re-ordering at least one of the items again
  • false = this is the first time the consumer is ordering these items
cardPaymentMethodSpecificInput Object Object containing data regarding card payments
transactionChannel Enum (String) Indicates the channel via which the payment is created. Allowed values:
  • ECOMMERCE - The transaction is a regular E-Commerce transaction (default)
  • MAIL - The transaction is a Mail Order
  • MOTO - The transaction is a Mail Order/Telephone Order
  • TELEPHONE - The transaction is a Telephone Order

This is used to determine if the transaction is eligible for 3-D Secure. All transactions flagged as MAIL, MOTO or TELEPHONE are out of scope for PSD2 Strong Customer Authentication.

threeDSecure Object Object containing specific 3-D Secure data
priorThreeDSecureData Object

Object containing data regarding the consumer authentication that occurred prior to the current transaction


enum (string)

Method of authentication used for this transaction. Possible values:
  • frictionless = frictionless authentication
  • challenged = cardholder was challenged
  • avs-verified = AVS verified
  • other = another issuer method was used to authenticate this transaction
utcTimestamp AN12

Timestamp in UTC (YYYYMMDDHHmm) of the prior 3-D Secure authentication

acsTransactionId AN36

The ACS Transaction ID for a prior 3-D Secure authenticated transaction (for example, the first recurring transaction that was authenticated with the consumer).

challengeIndicator Enum (String)

Allows you to indicate if you want the consumer to be challenged for extra security on this transaction.

  • no-preference = You have no preference whether or not to challenge the consumer (default)
  • no-challenge-requested = you prefer the cardholder not to be challenged
  • challenge-requested = you prefer the consumer to be challenged
  • challenge-required = you require the consumer to be challenged
exemptionRequest Enum (String)

Allows you to indicate if you want us to request a certain type of exemption.

  • none = No exemption flagging is to be used of this transaction (Default)
  • automatic = Our systems will determine the best possible exemption based on the transaction parameters and the risk scores
  • transaction-risk-analysis = You have determined that this transaction is of low risk and are willing to take the liability. Please note that your fraud rate needs to stay below thresholds to allow your use of this exemption.
  • low-value = The value of the transaction is below 30 EUR. Please note that the issuer will still require every 5th low-value transaction pithing 24 hours to be strongly authenticated. The issuer will also keep track of the cumulative amount authorized on the card. When this exceeds 150 EUR strong customer authentication is also required.d
  • whitelist = You have been whitelisted by the customer at the issuer
skipAuthentication Boolean
  • true = 3D Secure authentication will be skipped for this transaction. This setting should be used when isRecurring is set to true and recurringPaymentSequenceIndicator is set to recurring.
  • false = 3D Secure authentication will not be skipped for this transaction.

Note: This is only possible if your account in our system is setup for 3D Secure authentication and if your configuration in our system allows you to override it per transaction.

Note: Any configured Dynamic 3D rules will be ignored when you submit this property.

Moved from cardPaymentMethodSpecificInput

isRecurring Boolean Indicates if this transaction is of a one-off or a recurring type
  • true - This is recurring
  • false - This is one-off

This is used with property recurringPaymentSequenceIndicator to determine if the transaction is a first of recurring

recurring Object Object containing data related to recurring
endDate AN8

Date (YYYYMMDD) in the future after which no further authorisations shall be performed.

Note: This property is required when isRecurring is set to true, property recurringPaymentSequenceIndicator is set to first and 3-D Secure version 2 is enabled for the merchant.

minFrequency AN3

This indicates the number of days between the recurring authorizations. Can be set to "1" to indicate that the frequency is variable.

Note: This property is required when isRecurring is set to true, property recurringPaymentSequenceIndicator is set to first and 3-D Secure version 2 is enabled for the merchant.

recurringPaymentSequenceIndicator Enum (string)
  • first = This transaction is the first of a series of recurring transactions
  • recurring = This transaction is a subsequent transaction in a series of recurring transactions

Note: For any first of a recurring the system will automatically create a token as you will need to use a token for any subsequent recurring transactions. In case a token already exists this is indicated in the response with a value of False for the isNewToken property in the response.

Note: This property is required when isRecurring is set to true.

3-D Secure will not be used when this property is set to recurring

Moved from cardPaymentMethodSpecificInput.recurringPaymentSequenceIndicator




Indicates which party initiated the unscheduled recurring transaction. Allowed values:

  • merchantInitiated - Merchant Initiated Transaction.
  • cardholderInitiated - Cardholder Initiated Transaction.

Note: this property is not allowed if isRecurring is true.

Required if unscheduledCardOnFileIndicator is 'subsequent'. Otherwise it must not be 'merchantInitiated'.

3-D Secure will not be used when this property is set to cardholderInitiated

unscheduledCardOnFileSequenceIndicator Enum (string)
  • first = This transaction is the first of a series of unscheduled recurring transactions
  • subsequent = This transaction is a subsequent transaction in a series of unscheduled recurring transactions

Note: this property is not allowed if isRecurring is true.

Renamed from unscheduledCardOnFileIndicator

initialSchemeTransactionId AN100

The unique scheme transactionId of the initial transaction that was performed with SCA. In case this is unknown a scheme transactionId of an earlier transaction part of the same sequence can be used as a fall-back.
Strongly advised to be submitted for any MerchantInitiated or recurring transaction (a subsequent one).


Example request

Create hostedCheckout request
POST /v1/70417/hostedcheckouts HTTP/1.1
Authorization: GCS v1HMAC:2852fe598a84c2d8:z6yadEH5LqbGvZ8d4rh0p8cqFXnpCkkPxUwn5vOGLhg=
Date: Mon, 08 Jul 2019 22:05:01 GMT
Content-Type: application/json
Connection: close
User-Agent: Paw/3.1.8 (Macintosh; OS X/10.14.5) GCDHTTPRequest
Content-Length: 673

  "hostedCheckoutSpecificInput": {
    "locale": "en_US",
    "returnUrl": "https://hostname.myownwebsite.url"
  "order": {
    "amountOfMoney": {
      "currencyCode": "EUR",
      "amount": 100
    "customer": {
      "billingAddress": {
        "countryCode": "NL"
      "merchantCustomerId": "YOURCUSTOMERID"
    "shoppingCart": {
      "items": [
          "amountOfMoney": {
            "amount": "100",
            "currencyCode": "EUR"
          "invoiceData": {
            "description": "Charcoal Flat",
            "nrOfItems": "10",
            "pricePerItem": "10"

As the above example illustrates, no additional properties are required to be submitted for 3-D Secure version 2 te be successful. We do, however advise you to submit as much of the optional 3-D Secure related properties as possible to increase the risk of successful frictionless authentication and subsequent authorization of the transaction.

Example responses

Create hostedCheckout request (no change compared to before)
HTTP/1.1 201 
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Date: Mon, 08 Jul 2019 22:05:03 GMT
Connection: close

   "RETURNMAC" : "1057fa94-e2d4-4cd1-b85f-ed3f03a5d375",
   "hostedCheckoutId" : "e9483b13-def3-4f10-90cc-296d9e4b265d",
   "partialRedirectUrl" : ""

There are no additional response properties in the Create hostedCheckout API in case 3-D Secure version 2 has been enabled on the account..

Retrieve hostedCheckout request (successful authentication)
HTTP/1.1 200 
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Date: Mon, 08 Jul 2019 22:14:03 GMT
Connection: close

   "createdPaymentOutput" : {
      "payment" : {
         "id" : "000007041700000008300000100001",
         "hostedCheckoutSpecificOutput" : {
            "hostedCheckoutId" : "69da7501-d2b6-4b5f-9c20-8aa4f2687702"
         "paymentOutput" : {
            "amountOfMoney" : {
               "amount" : 100,
               "currencyCode" : "EUR"
            "references" : {
               "paymentReference" : "0"
            "paymentMethod" : "card",
            "cardPaymentMethodSpecificOutput" : {
               "paymentProductId" : 1,
               "fraudResults" : {
                  "fraudServiceResult" : "no-advice",
                  "avsResult" : "0",
                  "cvvResult" : "0"
               "threeDSecureResults" : {
                  "cavv" : "AAABBEg0VhI0VniQEjRWAAAAAAA=",
                  "directoryServerTransactionId" : "f25084f0-5b16-4c0a-ae5d-b24808a95e4b",
                  "eci" : "05",
                  "threeDSecureData" : {
                     "acsTransactionId" : "A9885E27-797D-4726-BDE6-18C502D62C04",
                     "method" : "frictionless",
                     "utcTimestamp" : "201907082213"
                  "threeDSecureVersion" : "2.1.0",
                  "threeDServerTransactionId" : "e00ac823-defd-4e01-8357-dfabf6c04c30"
               "card" : {
                  "cardNumber" : "************0026",
                  "expiryDate" : "1220"
         "status" : "PENDING_APPROVAL",
         "statusOutput" : {
            "isCancellable" : true,
            "statusCategory" : "PENDING_MERCHANT",
            "statusCode" : 600,
            "statusCodeChangeDateTime" : "20190708221354",
            "isAuthorized" : true,
            "isRefundable" : false
      "paymentCreationReferences" : {
         "additionalReference" : "00000704170000000830",
         "externalReference" : "000007041700000008300000100001"
      "paymentStatusCategory" : "SUCCESSFUL"
   "status" : "PAYMENT_CREATED"

The only difference in the response of the retrieve hostedCheckout request is the threeDSecureResults object, wich contains the 3-D Secure results. In this case for a frictionless fully authenticated 3-D Secure version 2.

Additional information

  1. Introduction
  2. Highlevel implementation
  3. Consumer user experience
  4. MyCheckout hosted payment pages implementation
  5. Create Payment API implementation
  6. Test cases
  7. Special use cases
  8. Webhooks