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UnionPay International - ExpressPay

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The testing process is designed the way that any scenario not specified below will automatically result in a positive test case. The system operates exclusively based on transaction amounts. The card number, CVV, expiry date, and currency are irrelevant for these test cases. Any card details provided below can be used across all test scenarios.

Card number CVV Expiry Date
6250930000000002 123 1233
6250930000000010 123 1233
6250930000000028 123 1233
6250930000000036 123 1233
6250930000000044 123 1233
6250930000000051 123 1233
6250930000000069 123 1233
6250930000000077 123 1233
6250930000000085 123 1233
6250930000000093 123 1233

Test cases

By default, any scenario not included in the table below is considered positive, meaning all combinations of test data and currency will lead to a successful authorization. The table distinguishes between synchronous and asynchronous responses:

  • synchronous response is an "acknowledgement" indicating the receipt of an authorization request
  • asynchronous response provides the actual result of that request

In essence, a synchronous "OK" means the request has been accepted for processing, but the final outcome will be conveyed in the asynchronous response. Additionally, our system supports detailed testing for different transaction types. Here's a summary of how to trigger each of these types:

Transaction type Trigger
Sale Default or explicitly by setting authorizationMode to SALE
Pre-authorization Set authorizationMode to PRE_AUTHORIZATION
Capture pre-authorization Call approvePayment on a pre-authorization transaction
Refund Call doRefund on a settled transaction
Void sale Call cancelPayment on a sale transaction
Reverse pre-authorization Call cancelPayment on a pre-authorization transaction that is at status
Void pre-authorization Call cancelPayment on a pre-authorization transaction that is at status

To thoroughly test all scenarios, it's important to mix the default positive cases that are not listed with the specified scenarios. For instance, to activate a negative scenario like rejection for excessive usage (reason code 430433 - TOO_MUCH_USAGE) during a pre-authorization capture, you must first initiate a pre-authorization transaction for a minimum amount of 811.

Following this, using the approvePayment request with the same amount will trigger this specific negative scenario. It's also important to remember that all asynchronous responses mentioned in the table will be delivered after a delay of 15 minutes.

Delayed settlement

Delayed settlement can be triggered by using authorizationMode with value PRE_AUTHORIZATION, in which case the transaction will first go to status PENDING_MERCHANT on a successful asynchronous response, after which you can use the approvePayment API call to control when you wish to settle.

Transaction type Amount Synchronous response Asynchronous response
Sale 1 OK OK
Sale 10 430409 - OTHERS
Sale 20 430409 - OTHERS
Sale 101 430409 - OTHERS
Sale 320 430409 - OTHERS
Sale 780000 430409 - OTHERS
Sale 601 430409 - OTHERS
Sale 64000 430409 - OTHERS
Sale 650 430409 - OTHERS
Sale 670 430409 - OTHERS
Sale 690 430409 - OTHERS
Sale 720 430409 - OTHERS
Sale 730 430409 - OTHERS
Sale 810 430409 - OTHERS
Sale 2 OK 430285 - DO_NOT_HONOR
Sale 102 OK 430315 - FORMAT_ERROR
Sale 321 OK 430412 - RESTRICTED
Sale 811 OK 430433 - TOO_MUCH_USAGE
Sale 391 OK 430430 - TIMEOUT
Sale 602 OK 430409 - REFERRED
Sale 780001 OK 430175 - AMOUNT_TOO_LARGE
Sale 64001 OK 430360 - LOW_FUNDS
Sale 651 OK 430324 - INCORRECT_PIN_NA
Sale 730 OK 430306 - EXPIRED_CARD
Pre-authorization 1 OK OK
Pre-authorization 200 430409 - OTHERS
Pre-authorization 1000 430409 - OTHERS
Pre-authorization 3200 430409 - OTHERS
Pre-authorization 7800000 430409 - OTHERS
Pre-authorization 6000 430409 - OTHERS
Pre-authorization 6400000 430409 - OTHERS
Pre-authorization 6500 430409 - OTHERS
Pre-authorization 6700 430409 - OTHERS
Pre-authorization 6900 430409 - OTHERS
Pre-authorization 7200 430409 - OTHERS
Pre-authorization 7300 430409 - OTHERS
Pre-authorization 8100 430409 - OTHERS
Pre-authorization 2 OK 430285 - DO_NOT_HONOR
Pre-authorization 201 OK 430424 - SYSTEM_MALFUNCTION
Pre-authorization 1001 OK 430315 - FORMAT_ERROR
Pre-authorization 3201 OK 430412 - RESTRICTED
Pre-authorization 8101 OK 430433 - TOO_MUCH_USAGE
Pre-authorization 3901 OK 430430 - TIMEOUT
Pre-authorization 6001 OK 430409 - REFERRED
Pre-authorization 7201 OK 430396 - NOT_PERMITTED_TO_CARDHOLDER
Pre-authorization 7800001 OK 430175 - AMOUNT_TOO_LARGE
Pre-authorization 6400001 OK 430360 - LOW_FUNDS
Pre-authorization 6501 OK 430324 - INCORRECT_PIN_NA
Pre-authorization 6701 OK 430165 - ALLOWABLE_PIN_TRIES_EXCEEDED_NA
Pre-authorization 7301 OK 430306 - EXPIRED_CARD
Capture Pre-authorization 1 OK OK
Capture Pre-authorization 10 430409 - OTHERS
Capture Pre-authorization 20 430409 - OTHERS
Capture Pre-authorization 101 430409 - OTHERS
Capture Pre-authorization 320 430409 - OTHERS
Capture Pre-authorization 780000 430409 - OTHERS
Capture Pre-authorization 601 430409 - OTHERS
Capture Pre-authorization 64000 430409 - OTHERS
Capture Pre-authorization 650 430409 - OTHERS
Capture Pre-authorization 670 430409 - OTHERS
Capture Pre-authorization 690 430409 - OTHERS
Capture Pre-authorization 720 430409 - OTHERS
Capture Pre-authorization 730 430409 - OTHERS
Capture Pre-authorization 810 430409 - OTHERS
Capture Pre-authorization 3 OK OK
Capture Pre-authorization 21 OK 430424 - SYSTEM_MALFUNCTION
Capture Pre-authorization 102 OK 430315 - FORMAT_ERROR
Capture Pre-authorization 321 OK 430412 - RESTRICTED
Capture Pre-authorization 811 OK 430433 - TOO_MUCH_USAGE
Capture Pre-authorization 390 OK 430430 - TIMEOUT
Capture Pre-authorization 602 OK 430409 - REFERRED
Capture Pre-authorization 721 OK 430396 - NOT_PERMITTED_TO_CARDHOLDER
Capture Pre-authorization 780001 OK 430175 - AMOUNT_TOO_LARGE
Capture Pre-authorization 64001 OK 430360 - LOW_FUNDS
Capture Pre-authorization 651 OK 430324 - INCORRECT_PIN_NA
Capture Pre-authorization 671 OK 430165 - ALLOWABLE_PIN_TRIES_EXCEEDED_NA
Capture Pre-authorization 731 OK 430306 - EXPIRED_CARD
Refund 1 OK OK
Refund 900 430409 - OTHERS
Refund 20 430409 - OTHERS
Refund 101 430409 - OTHERS
Refund 320 430409 - OTHERS
Refund 780000 430409 - OTHERS
Refund 601 430409 - OTHERS
Refund 64000 430409 - OTHERS
Refund 650 430409 - OTHERS
Refund 670 430409 - OTHERS
Refund 690 430409 - OTHERS
Refund 720 430409 - OTHERS
Refund 730 430409 - OTHERS
Refund 810 430409 - OTHERS
Refund 4 OK OK
Refund 44 OK 430285 - DO_NOT_HONOR
Refund 103 OK 430315 - FORMAT_ERROR
Refund 324 OK 430412 - RESTRICTED
Refund 814 OK 430433 - TOO_MUCH_USAGE
Refund 390 OK 430430 - TIMEOUT
Refund 604 OK 430409 - REFERRED
Refund 780004 OK 430175 - AMOUNT_TOO_LARGE
Refund 64004 OK 430360 - LOW_FUNDS
Refund 654 OK 430324 - INCORRECT_PIN_NA
Refund 734 OK 430306 - EXPIRED_CARD
Void Sale 1 OK OK
Void Sale 123 430409 - OTHERS
Void Sale 20 430409 - OTHERS
Void Sale 101 430409 - OTHERS
Void Sale 320 430409 - OTHERS
Void Sale 780000 430409 - OTHERS
Void Sale 601 430409 - OTHERS
Void Sale 64000 430409 - OTHERS
Void Sale 650 430409 - OTHERS
Void Sale 670 430409 - OTHERS
Void Sale 690 430409 - OTHERS
Void Sale 720 430409 - OTHERS
Void Sale 730 430409 - OTHERS
Void Sale 810 430409 - OTHERS
Void Sale 4 OK 430424 - SYSTEM_MALFUNCTION
Void Sale 107 OK 430315 - FORMAT_ERROR
Void Sale 327 OK 430412 - RESTRICTED
Void Sale 817 OK 430433 - TOO_MUCH_USAGE
Void Sale 397 OK 430430 - TIMEOUT
Void Sale 607 OK 430409 - REFERRED
Void Sale 780007 OK 430175 - AMOUNT_TOO_LARGE
Void Sale 64007 OK 430360 - LOW_FUNDS
Void Sale 657 OK 430324 - INCORRECT_PIN_NA
Void Sale 737 OK 430306 - EXPIRED_CARD
Reverse Pre-authorization 1 OK OK
Reverse Pre-authorization 10 430409 - OTHERS
Reverse Pre-authorization 20 430409 - OTHERS
Reverse Pre-authorization 101 430409 - OTHERS
Reverse Pre-authorization 320 430409 - OTHERS
Reverse Pre-authorization 780000 430409 - OTHERS
Reverse Pre-authorization 601 430409 - OTHERS
Reverse Pre-authorization 64000 430409 - OTHERS
Reverse Pre-authorization 650 430409 - OTHERS
Reverse Pre-authorization 670 430409 - OTHERS
Reverse Pre-authorization 690 430409 - OTHERS
Reverse Pre-authorization 720 430409 - OTHERS
Reverse Pre-authorization 730 430409 - OTHERS
Reverse Pre-authorization 810 430409 - OTHERS
Reverse Pre-authorization 8 OK 430424 - SYSTEM_MALFUNCTION
Reverse Pre-authorization 108 OK 430315 - FORMAT_ERROR
Reverse Pre-authorization 1111 OK 430412 - RESTRICTED
Reverse Pre-authorization 818 OK 430433 - TOO_MUCH_USAGE
Reverse Pre-authorization 398 OK 430430 - TIMEOUT
Reverse Pre-authorization 608 OK 430409 - REFERRED
Reverse Pre-authorization 728 OK 430396 - NOT_PERMITTED_TO_CARDHOLDER
Reverse Pre-authorization 780008 OK 430175 - AMOUNT_TOO_LARGE
Reverse Pre-authorization 64008 OK 430360 - LOW_FUNDS
Reverse Pre-authorization 658 OK 430324 - INCORRECT_PIN_NA
Reverse Pre-authorization 678 OK 430165 - ALLOWABLE_PIN_TRIES_EXCEEDED_NA
Reverse Pre-authorization 738 OK 430306 - EXPIRED_CARD
Void Pre-authorization 11 OK OK
Void Pre-authorization 111 430409 - OTHERS
Void Pre-authorization 220 430409 - OTHERS
Void Pre-authorization 111 430409 - OTHERS
Void Pre-authorization 332 430409 - OTHERS
Void Pre-authorization 770000 430409 - OTHERS
Void Pre-authorization 661 430409 - OTHERS
Void Pre-authorization 6400 430409 - OTHERS
Void Pre-authorization 665 430409 - OTHERS
Void Pre-authorization 678 430409 - OTHERS
Void Pre-authorization 669 430409 - OTHERS
Void Pre-authorization 772 430409 - OTHERS
Void Pre-authorization 773 430409 - OTHERS
Void Pre-authorization 881 430409 - OTHERS
Void Pre-authorization 4444 OK 430285 - DO_NOT_HONOR
Void Pre-authorization 119 OK 430315 - FORMAT_ERROR
Void Pre-authorization 1119 OK 430412 - RESTRICTED
Void Pre-authorization 819 OK 430433 - TOO_MUCH_USAGE
Void Pre-authorization 399 OK 430430 - TIMEOUT
Void Pre-authorization 609 OK 430409 - REFERRED
Void Pre-authorization 782 OK 430396 - NOT_PERMITTED_TO_CARDHOLDER
Void Pre-authorization 770009 OK 430175 - AMOUNT_TOO_LARGE
Void Pre-authorization 6409 OK 430360 - LOW_FUNDS
Void Pre-authorization 659 OK 430324 - INCORRECT_PIN_NA
Void Pre-authorization 679 OK 430165 - ALLOWABLE_PIN_TRIES_EXCEEDED_NA
Void Pre-authorization 739 OK 430306 - EXPIRED_CARD
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