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Two ways to integrate via Client API and Server API

MyCheckout hosted payment pages

No extra fields are required when creating a MyCheckout hosted payment pages session. Client API JSON Request (Create Hosted Checkout)

    "order": {
        "amountOfMoney": {
            "currencyCode": "BRL",
            "amount": 100
        "customer": {
            "billingAddress": {
                "countryCode": "BR"
    "hostedCheckoutSpecificInput": {
        "variant": "testVariant",
        "locale": "en_GB"

Server API integration

Once the payment has been created you will receive a response with status REDIRECTED. Next to that, the response will contain a MerchantAction with a MerchantActionType of SHOW_INSTRUCTIONs. Full show data that will be returned is shown in the tables below. You can use our renderingData service or start use the merchant Action in order to fully customize the user experience Merchant Action

Key Value Note
PAYERNAME String(60) Consumer name
CPFCNPJ String(14) Consumer Fiscalnumber 11 numeric value, Company fiscalnumber 14 numeric value
EXPIRATIONDATE String(8) Boleto voucher expiration date
BARCODE String(64) The String is a Base64 encoded png image. Inline in your HTML display the Bar code to the consumer
BOLETOTYPABLELINE String(47) Boleto bar code refenence number, consumer can use it to pay via banking application
CURRENCYCODE String (3) Displayed currency to the consumer
AMOUNT String(12) Total checkout amount

renderingData Service This property contains the blob with data for the instructions rendering service. This service will be available at the following endpoint: http(s)://{{merchant specific subdomain}}.{{base MyCheckout hosted payment pages domain}}/instructions/{{merchantId}}/{{clientSessionId}} This instructions page rendering service accepts the following parameters:

  • instructionsRenderingData (required, the content of this property)
  • locale (optional, if present overrides default locale, e.g. "en_GB")
  • variant (optional, code of a variant, if present overrides default variant, e.g. "100")

You can offer a link to a customer to see an instructions page for a payment done earlier. Because of the size of the instructionsRenderingData this will need to be set in a web form as a value of a hidden field. Before presenting the link you need to obtain a clientSessionId by creating a session using the S2S API. You will need to use the MyCheckout hosted payment pages domain hosted in the same region as the API domain used for the createClientSession call. The instructionsRenderingData is a String blob that is presented to you via the Server API as part of the merchantAction (if available, and non-redirect) in the JSON return values for the createPayment call or the getHostedCheckoutStatus call (merchantAction inside createdPaymentOutput when available). You are responsible to store the instructionsRenderingData blob in order to be able to present the instructions page at a later time, when this information might no longer be available through Server API calls

Action type Value Note
RederingData - Enum

Server API JSON Request (Create Payment)

  "order": {
    "amountOfMoney": {
      "currencyCode": "BRL",
      "amount": 2400
    "additionalInput": {
      "airlineData": {
        "code": "123",
        "name": "KLM",
        "merchantCustomerId": "5678"
    "customer": {
      "merchantCustomerId": "1234",
      "fiscalNumber": "21298750091",
      "personalInformation": {
        "name": {
          "title": "Mr.",
          "firstName": "Wile",
          "surnamePrefix": "E.",
          "surname": "Coyote"
        "gender": "male",
        "dateOfBirth": "19490917"
      "companyInformation": {
        "name": "Acme Labs"
      "languageCode": "en",
      "billingAddress": {
        "street": "Desertroad",
        "houseNumber": "13",
        "additionalInfo": "b",
        "zip": "21200654",
        "city": "Denver",
        "state": "Utah",
        "stateCode": "RJ",
        "countryCode": "BR"
      "shippingAddress": {
        "name": {
          "title": "Miss",
          "firstName": "Road",
          "surname": "Runner"
        "street": "Desertroad",
        "houseNumber": "1",
        "additionalInfo": "Suite II",
        "zip": "21200654",
        "city": "Monument Valley",
        "state": "Utah",
        "countryCode": "BR"
      "contactDetails": {
        "emailAddress": "",
        "phoneNumber": "+1234567890",
        "faxNumber": "+1234567891",
        "emailMessageType": "html"
      "vatNumber": "1234AB5678CD"
    "references": {
      "merchantOrderId": "123456",
      "merchantReference": "rXK5SOKMR1LcBK8Pbuxp5WPaOLLlrx",
      "invoiceData": {
        "invoiceNumber": "000000123",
        "invoiceDate": "20140306191500"
      "descriptor": "Fast and Furry-ous"
    "items": [
        "amountOfMoney": {
          "currencyCode": "BRL",
          "amount": 1400
        "invoiceData": {
          "nrOfItems": "1",
          "pricePerItem": 1400,
          "description": "ACME Super Outfit"
        "amountOfMoney": {
          "currencyCode": "BRL",
          "amount": 1000
        "invoiceData": {
          "nrOfItems": "10",
          "pricePerItem": 200,
          "description": "Asperin"
  "cashPaymentMethodSpecificInput": {
    "paymentProductId": 1503

Server API JSON Response

   "creationOutput" : {
      "additionalReference" : "12EsDh3gXA4uWAQkSmUk",
      "externalReference" : "12EsDh3gXA4uWAQkSmUkqWrtPbnDUi"
   "merchantAction" : {
      "actionType" : "SHOW_INSTRUCTIONS",
      "showData" : [ {
         "key" : "PAYERNAME",
         "value" : "WILE COYOTE"
      }, {
         "key" : "CPFCNPJ",
         "value" : "21298750091"
      }, {
         "key" : "EXPIRATIONDATE",
         "value" : "05072019"
      }, {
         "key" : "BARCODE",
         "value" : "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAaQAAAAqAQAAAADU+hKEAAAAVklEQVR42mP4t8rixa5HWo8XPXq0u6vPakf3indaFq/6rBb3rXi8umOXxTqN1ytePF7d3WXV19236HHXi9V9+h8YRnWN6hrVNaprVNeorlFdo7oGpS4AizRjaNM86u4AAAAASUVORK5CYII="
      }, {
         "key" : "BOLETOTYPABLELINE",
         "value" : "00190.00009 02625.444183 98928.138175 1 79410000240000"
      }, {
         "key" : "CURRENCYCODE",
         "value" : "BRL"
      }, {
         "key" : "AMOUNT",
         "value" : "2400"
      } ]
   "payment" : {
      "id" : "000000993010000638270000100001",
      "paymentOutput" : {
         "amountOfMoney" : {
            "amount" : 2400,
            "currencyCode" : "BRL"
         "references" : {
            "merchantOrderId" : 123456,
            "merchantReference" : "12EsDh3gXA4uWAQkSmUkqWrtPbnDUi",
            "paymentReference" : "993000059309"
         "paymentMethod" : "cash",
         "cashPaymentMethodSpecificOutput" : {
            "paymentProductId" : 1503
      "status" : "PENDING_PAYMENT",
      "statusOutput" : {
         "isCancellable" : true,
         "statusCategory" : "PENDING_PAYMENT",
         "statusCode" : 55,
         "statusCodeChangeDateTime" : "20190605162652",
         "isAuthorized" : false,
         "isRefundable" : false
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