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Boleto Bancário

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Below is the positive test case input definitions with the expected results in the last column.

Country code Currency code Payment product ID Statecode Zip Amount Payment status ID FISALNUMBER
BR BRL 1503 RJ 21200654 2200 55 21298750091


There is an easy negative case defined for this product, please use below info to reproduce.

Country code Currency code Payment product ID Amount Event ID Payment status ID FISALNUMBER
BR BRL 1503 2200 800200 100 99999999

Payment Steps

After initializing the payment, a form should be shown to the consumer to take to the Boleto Bancário office.


Payments cannot be simulated to go to the status completed with the status ID 800 or higher.

Refunds in Sandbox

Transactions are not refundable on status Completed with status ID 800, as for that, a separate process is scheduled to have the payment end up on a refundable status. Please wait 1 hour for all your test transactions at status Completed with status ID 800 to be processed like this and set to be ready for refunds.

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