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Payment group: Real-time banking
Payment product ID: 402

ePrzelewy online service is GlobalCollect's partner to enable you to provide ePrzelewy (eTransfers) to your consumers in Poland, with the ability to pay for online purchases directly from their online banking system. Similarly to card payments, ePrzelewy is a real-time payment method, but it includes none of the risks associated with cards.

The following banks are available through the ePrzelewy integration:

Alior Eurobank Multibank
Aliorsync ING Nordea
BOS Inteligo Pekao
BPH Lukasbank Pkointeligo
Bzwbk MBank Toyotabank
Citi Meritum  
DRUT Millennium  


  • Allows iframe
  • Cancel refund
  • Partial refunds
  • Redirect
  • Recurring
  • Refunds
  • Tokenization


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