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UnionPay International - SecurePay

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UnionPay International - SecurePay does not support the following services:

  • 3D Secure
  • Fraud prevention
  • Address verification service (AVS)
  • Card verification

You can test the UnionPay International - SecurePay transactions using the following test data. The joined columns indicate that there is no difference in the SMS code used on PC and mobile. The final reachable status during testing is SETTLEMENT PENDING CONFIRMATION (935).

Type Card number/PAN Expiry date (MMYY) CNV2*  SMS code (PC) SMS code (mobile)
Credit card 6250947000000014 1233 123 111111 123456
Debit card 6250946000000016 1233 N/A 111111
Credit card 8171999927660000 1230 123 111111 123456
Credit card 6250940500000006 1249 123 111111 123456
Debit card 6250947999990000014
Unknown N/A 111111
Debit card 6250946000000016
1233 123 111111 123456

 *CNV2 is also known as CVV or CVC

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