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NH Card

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Testing for NH Card is possible in pre-production environment. Use our Test card generator and API Reference to create payments and receive responses based on your selected test scenarios.

  1. Select South Korea (Asia Pacific) as the issuing country to get all available payment products, card types, and co-badged options for South Korean domestic processing.
  1. Select your payment product from the dropdown menu. If you choose Visa or Mastercard, you'll have additional co-branded card options. Click "Generate" to receive your test card data.
  • For domestic transaction processing in South Korea, CVV is not used.
  • For integrations enabled with partial PIN and date of birth verification, please use "12" as the partial PIN and any valid date format for the date of birth field.
  1. Payment product and issuing country are the mandatory fields for generating the test card data. You can adjust other values below to fit your testing needs.

CVV and AVS services are not available in South Korea.

  • Authorization result: select how the card issuer should respond to your transaction (successful - transaction is approved and authorized, unsuccessful - transaction is declined or rejected).
  • Unsuccessful authorization scenario: select the negative scenarios you want to validate. These are provided when the issuing bank declines an authorization request.
  • Refund: test different refund scenarios by selecting how the API should respond when processing refunds for this test card.
  • Fraud prevention: configure fraud screening responses for your test transactions. Your selection determines both the test card parameters and corresponding fraud prevention results.
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