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Mobile integration

Using this integration option implies that you have your own checkout page design ready and only need to use our APIs to accept payment in your mobile app.

Before you begin

  • Make sure you've been boarded with iDEAL
  • Make sure you have the ready-made checkout page design
  • Build your server integration

Build payment product selection form

To build the payment product selection form, you need to get the mandatory fields. Make the Get payment products API call, submitting the countryCode and currencyCode as the minimum payload.

Property Data type Required
countryCode object yes
currencyCode object yes

Get payment products request
// In order to call this method, you must initialize the Connect SDK first.
    { basicPaymentProducts: BasicPaymentProducts ->
        // Process basicPaymentProducts object
    { apiErrorResponse: ApiErrorResponse ->
        // Indicate that an API error occurred
    { failure: Throwable ->
        // Indicate that an error occurred
NSString *clientSessionId = @"<clientSessionId from Create Session>";
NSString *customerId = @"<customerId from Create Session>";
NSString *baseURL = @"<clientApiUrl from Create Session>";
NSString *assetBaseURL = @"<assetUrl from Create Session>";
NSString *appIdentifier = @"<your app name>";

ICSession *session = [ICSession sessionWithClientSessionId:clientSessionId

ICPaymentAmountOfMoney *amount = [[ICPaymentAmountOfMoney alloc] initWithTotalAmount:1000 currencyCode:@"EUR"];
ICPaymentContext *context = [[ICPaymentContext alloc] initWithAmountOfMoney:amount isRecurring:true countryCode:@"NL"];

[session paymentProductsForContext:context success:^(ICBasicPaymentProducts *paymentProducts) {
    NSMutableArray *products = paymentProducts.paymentProducts;
    // Process payment products.
} failure:^(NSError *error) {
    DLog(@"Error while retrieving payment products: %@", [error localizedDescription]);
import IngenicoConnectKit

let clientSessionId = "<clientSessionId from Create Session>"
let customerId = "<customerId from Create Session>"
let baseURL = "<clientApiUrl from Create Session>"
let assetBaseURL = "<assetUrl from Create Session>"
let appIdentifier = "<your app name>"

let session = Session(clientSessionId: clientSessionId, customerId: customerId,
                      baseURL: baseURL, assetBaseURL: assetBaseURL, appIdentifier: appIdentifier)

let amountValue = 1000
let currencyCode: CurrencyCode = .EUR
let countryCode: CountryCode = .NL
let isRecurring = true

let amountOfMoney = PaymentAmountOfMoney(totalAmount: amountValue, currencyCode: currencyCode)
let context = PaymentContext(amountOfMoney: amountOfMoney, isRecurring: isRecurring, countryCode: countryCode)

session.paymentProducts(for: context, success: { paymentProducts in
    let products = paymentProducts.paymentProducts
    // Process payment products.
}, failure: { error in
    Macros.DLog(message: "Error while retrieving payment products: \(error.localizedDescription)")
	onSuccess: (basicPaymentProducts) {
	// Process BasicPaymentProducts object
},	onApiError: () {
	// Indicate that an API error occurred
},	onFailure: (exception) {
	// Indicate that an error occurred
// Note: a successful response from Create Session can be used directly as sessionDetails
var sessionDetails = {
    "clientSessionId": "<clientSessionId from Create Session>",
    "customerId": "<customerId from Create Session>",
    "clientApiUrl": "<clientApiUrl from Create Session>",
    "assetUrl": "<assetUrl from Create Session>"
var session = new connect(sessionDetails);var paymentDetails = {
    "currency" : "EUR",
    "countryCode" : "NL"
};session.getBasicPaymentProducts(paymentDetails, paymentProductSpecificInputs).then(function (basicPaymentProducts) {
    // Process basic payment products
}, function () {
    // Indicate that an error occurred

You'll need the following properties from the API response to build your payment products selection form:

Property Data Description
displayOrder integer Determines the order in which the payment products and groups should be shown (sorted ascending).
label string Name of the payment product or group based on the locale that was included in the request.
logo string Partial URL that you can reference for the image of this payment product or group. You can use our server-side resize functionality by appending '?size={{width}}x{{height}}' to the full URL, where width and height are specified in pixels. The resized image will always keep its correct aspect ratio.
Get payment products response example
"displayHints" : {
         "displayOrder" : 0,
         "label" : "iDEAL",
         "logo" : "templates/master/global/css/img/ppimages/pp_logo_809_v2.png"

Build payment product details form

This step is done with Get payment product API call, submitting the countryCode and currencyCode as the minimum payload.

Property Data type Required
countryCode object yes
currencyCode object yes

The mandatory fields you need to build the payment product details form are included in the fields parent property.

You can also get the required consumer input fields for the payment product by sending only Get payment products API call instead of two separate ones. The minimum payload must include the countryCode and currencyCode properties.

Render payment product selection form

Building the UI of the checkout page using the property values from the previous steps. You can check the example apps we have on our GitHub, provided for different programming languages.

Worldline Global Collect GitHub

Collect consumer data and send it to your server

You can skip this step if you already have the consumer's details stored on your server (for example, if the consumer previously created an account/profile).

Make a payment

Make a Create payment API call, submitting the required properties.

Below, you'll find an example API call with the essential data. To add more information with additional properties, please visit to our API Reference.

Property Data type Required
order object yes
amountOfMoney object yes
currencyCode string yes
amount integer yes
customer object yes
billdingAddress object yes
countryCode string yes
redirectPaymentMethodSpecificInput object yes
paymentProductId integer yes
paymentProduct809SpecificInput object yes
issuerId string yes
redirectionData object yes
returnUrl string yes

Create payment
AmountOfMoney amountOfMoney = new AmountOfMoney();

Address address = new Address();

Customer customer = new Customer();

Order order = new Order();

RedirectionData redirectionData = new RedirectionData();

RedirectPaymentMethodSpecificInput redirectPaymentMethodSpecificInput = new RedirectPaymentMethodSpecificInput();

CreatePaymentRequest createPaymentRequest = new CreatePaymentRequest();

CreatePaymentResponse createPaymentResponse = client.merchant("merchantId").payments().create(createPaymentRequest);
var amountOfMoney = new AmountOfMoney();
amountOfMoney.Amount = 100L;
amountOfMoney.CurrencyCode = "EUR";

var address = new Address();
address.CountryCode = "NL";

var customer = new Customer();
customer.BillingAddress = address;

var order = new Order();
order.AmountOfMoney = amountOfMoney;
order.Customer = customer;

var redirectionData = new RedirectionData();
redirectionData.ReturnUrl = ""

var redirectPaymentMethodSpecificInput = new RedirectPaymentMethodSpecificInput();
redirectPaymentMethodSpecificInput.PaymentProductId = 809;
redirectPaymentMethodSpecificInput.RedirectionData = redirectionData;

var createPaymentRequest = new CreatePaymentRequest();
createPaymentRequest.RedirectPaymentMethodSpecificInput = redirectPaymentMethodSpecificInput;
createPaymentRequest.Order = order;

var response = await client.V1.WithNewMerchant("merchantId").Payments.Create(createPaymentRequest);
var body = {
  "order": {
    "amountOfMoney": {
      "amount": 1,
      "currencyCode": "EUR"
    "customer": {
      "billingAddress": {
        "countryCode": "NL"
  "redirectPaymentMethodSpecificInput": {
    "paymentProductId": 809,
    "redirectionData": {
      "returnUrl": ""

const sdkResponse = await client.v1.payments.create("merchantId", body);
$amountOfMoney = new AmountOfMoney();
$amountOfMoney->amount = 100;
$amountOfMoney->currencyCode = 'EUR';

$address = new Address();
$address->countryCode = 'NL';

$customer = new Customer();
$customer->billingAddress = $address;

$order = new Order();
$order->amountOfMoney = $amountOfMoney;
$order->customer = $customer;

$redirectionData = new RedirectionData();
$redirectionData->returnUrl = '';

$redirectPaymentMethodSpecificInput = new RedirectPaymentMethodSpecificInput();
$redirectPaymentMethodSpecificInput->paymentProductId = 809;
$redirectPaymentMethodSpecificInput->redirectionData = $redirectionData;

$createPaymentRequest = new CreatePaymentRequest();
$createPaymentRequest->redirectPaymentMethodSpecificInput = $redirectPaymentMethodSpecificInput
$createPaymentRequest->order = $order

org.tuckey.web.filters.urlrewrite.UrlRewriteWrappedResponse@44dd83b5 = $client->v1()->merchant('merchantId')->payments()->create($createPaymentRequest);
amount_of_money = AmountOfMoney()
amount_of_money.amount = 100
amount_of_money.currency_code = 'EUR'

address = Address()
address.country_code = 'NL'

customer = Customer()
customer.billing_address = address

order = Order()
order.amount_of_money = amount_of_money
order.customer = customer

redirection_data = RedirectionData()
redirection_data.return_url = ''

redirect_payment_method_specific_input = RedirectPaymentMethodSpecificInput()
redirect_payment_method_specific_input.payment_product_id = 809
redirect_payment_method_specific_input.redirection_data = redirection_data

create_payment_request = new CreatePaymentRequest()
create_payment_request.redirect_payment_method_specific_input = redirect_payment_method_specific_input
create_payment_request.order = order

response = client.v1().merchant('merchantId').payments().create(create_payment_request)
amount_of_money =
amount_of_money.amount = 100
amount_of_money.currency_code = 'EUR'

address =
address.country_code = 'NL'

customer =
customer.billing_address = address

order =
order.amount_of_money = amount_of_money
order.customer = customer

redirection_data =
redirection_data.return_url = ''

redirect_payment_method_specific_input =
redirect_payment_method_specific_input.payment_product_id = 809
redirect_payment_method_specific_input.redirection_data = redirection_data

create_payment_request =
create_payment_request.redirect_payment_method_specific_input = redirect_payment_method_specific_input
create_payment_request.order = order

response = client.v1.merchant('merchantId').payments.create(create_payment_request)
var amountOfMoney domain.AmountOfMoney
amountOfMoney.Amount = connectsdk.NewInt64(100)
amountOfMoney.CurrencyCode = connectsdk.newString("EUR")

var address domain.Address
address.CountryCode = connectsdk.newString("NL")

var customer domain.Customer
customer.BillingAddress = &address

var order domain.Order
order.AmountOfMoney = &amountOfMoney
order.Customer = &customer

var redirectionData domain.RedirectionData
redirectionData.ReturnUrl = connectsdk.newString("")

var redirectPaymentMethodSpecificInput domain.RedirectPaymentMethodSpecificInput
redirectPaymentMethodSpecificInput.PaymentProductId = connectsdk.newInt64(809)
redirectPaymentMethodSpecificInput.RedirectionData = &redirectionData

var createPaymentRequest domain.CreatePaymentRequest
createPaymentRequest.RedirectPaymentMethodSpecificInput = &redirectPaymentMethodSpecificInput
createPaymentRequest.order = &order

response, err := client.V1().Merchant("merchantId").Payments().Create(createPaymentRequest, nil)
    "order": {
        "amountOfMoney": {
            "currencyCode": "EUR",
            "amount": "1000"
        "customer": {
            "billingAddress": {
                "countryCode": "NL"
    "redirectPaymentMethodSpecificInput": {
        "paymentProductId": "809",
        "paymentProduct809SpecificInput": {
            "issuerId": 3
        "redirectionData": {
            "returnUrl": ""

Create payment response

   "creationOutput" : {
      "additionalReference" : "00000099911009940168",
      "externalReference" : "000000999110099401680000100001"
   "merchantAction" : {
      "actionType" : "REDIRECT",
      "redirectData" : {
         "RETURNMAC" : "bfccf850-6239-4f0d-8eeb-d935e37b1bad",
         "redirectURL" : ""
      "showData" : [ ]
   "payment" : {
      "id" : "000000999110099401680000100001",
      "paymentOutput" : {
         "amountOfMoney" : {
            "amount" : 100,
            "currencyCode" : "EUR"
         "references" : {
            "paymentReference" : "999111455159"
         "paymentMethod" : "redirect",
         "redirectPaymentMethodSpecificOutput" : {
            "paymentProductId" : 809
      "status" : "REDIRECTED",
      "statusOutput" : {
         "isCancellable" : false,
         "isRetriable" : false,
         "statusCategory" : "PENDING_PAYMENT",
         "statusCode" : 50,
         "statusCodeChangeDateTime" : "20240731114157",
         "isAuthorized" : false,
         "isRefundable" : false

Redirect consumer

If you use Create payment API call, you also need to take care of the consumer redirection (in the case of Create hosted checkout, we handle it ourselves). In the API response to this call we'll return a merchantAction object.

While there are several different actionType values, for iDEAL transactions, we consistently return the actionType value as REDIRECT. Along with this, a redirectData object is included, containing a redirectURL. You'll need to direct your consumer to this URL to complete their payment.

The merchantAction is only returned in the response to Create payment as shown in the following example:

create payment response
    "creationOutput": {
        "additionalReference": "00000880010000010166",
        "externalReference": "000008800100000101660000100001"
    "merchantAction": {
        "actionType": "REDIRECT",
        "redirectData": {
            "RETURNMAC": "937037a1-8e39-40eb-9a57-94a6cfac****",
            "redirectURL": "****4ZFJtbJGhoMJKU&TRANSACTIONID=003000018487****"
        "showData": []
    "payment": {
        "id": "00000880010000010166000010****",
        "paymentOutput": {
            "amountOfMoney": {
                "amount": 100,
                "currencyCode": "EUR"
            "references": {
                "paymentReference": "133700297790"
            "paymentMethod": "redirect",
            "redirectPaymentMethodSpecificOutput": {
                "paymentProductId": 809
        "status": "REDIRECTED",
        "statusOutput": {
            "isCancellable": false,
            "isRetriable": false,
            "statusCategory": "PENDING_PAYMENT",
            "statusCode": 50,
            "statusCodeChangeDateTime": "20231124150140",
            "isAuthorized": false,
            "isRefundable": false

The merchantAction is omitted from the Get payment API call and will return the following API response:

Get payment response
    "creationOutput": {
        "additionalReference": "00000880010000010166",
        "externalReference": "000008800100000101660000100001"
    "merchantAction": {
        "actionType": "REDIRECT",
        "redirectData": {
            "RETURNMAC": "937037a1-8e39-40eb-9a57-94a6cfac****",
            "redirectURL": "****4ZFJtbJGhoMJKU&TRANSACTIONID=003000018487****"
        "showData": []
    "payment": {
        "id": "000008800100000101660000100001",
        "paymentOutput": {
            "amountOfMoney": {
                "amount": 100,
                "currencyCode": "EUR"
            "references": {
                "paymentReference": "133700297790"
            "paymentMethod": "redirect",
            "redirectPaymentMethodSpecificOutput": {
                "paymentProductId": 809
        "status": "REDIRECTED",
        "statusOutput": {
            "isCancellable": false,
            "isRetriable": false,
            "statusCategory": "PENDING_PAYMENT",
            "statusCode": 50,
            "statusCodeChangeDateTime": "20231124150140",
            "isAuthorized": false,
            "isRefundable": false

Next steps

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